

“我认为, 有时, individuals expect for you to solve all 的ir problems when some 的 problems may 不 be city council at all, 这可能只是一个公民的私人问题. 但是当人们信任你的时候, 他们认为你不仅仅是一个议员, 他们视你为盟友.”
安吉利亚·华盛顿,M.S.W. ’03, on making history as the longest-serving female councilmember in Jacksonville, 北卡罗莱纳, 每日新闻, 11月24日, 2023


学生’ award-winning photographs offer a glimpse into lives around the world.

A hillside of houses glimpsed through a scrim of barbed wire; the visual architecture of subway cars in motion; a crowd waiting to board a ferry across a river on the last night of Ramadan. 的se are among the winning images in the annual Global Encounters Photo Contest sponsored by the Lewis Global Studies Center. This year’s contest drew 70 submissions from Smith students of photos taken in 37 countries around the world. 的 visual encounters in cluded close-up images, views from afar, “aha! 发现的时刻, 文化兼容并蓄, and scenes of daily life captured in locations ranging from Japan to Jerusalem. Judges for this year’s submissions were Charlene Shang Miller, educator for academic programs at the 澳门葡京博彩软件 艺术博物馆, 和弗雷泽马厩, 综合学习学院副院长兼艺术教授. 以下是获奖照片.

“焦点集中在女子篮球和我们的球员身上. 它不与男子团队共享. 这里的资源,我们的举重室是面向女性的. 我们的重量是为女人的握力准备的. 我们的健身房, we don’t share it with the men; we get to practice whenever we want when the times work within our team schedules. Everything is geared toward giving our female athletes the best experience possible.”
Lynn Hersey, head basketball coach, 的 Boston Globe, 2024年1月16日



道恩·澳门葡京博彩软件77年 从她记事起就是个动物爱好者吗. At 5, 经过一番乞求, she got her first dog—a collie named Lassie—who was later joined by a cocker spaniel mix named Pixie. 自20世纪90年代以来, Dawn has been participating in American Kennel Club field trials with field-bred English cocker spaniels, 包括她9岁的狗, Toula(如图). “图拉是一只可爱而深情的狗, 同时在战场上也非常迅速和活跃,道恩说。, 她也是Squeak(5岁)的狗狗父母。, 罗西(4), 汉克(1).

林恩·格雷夫斯1月30日摄, 2024, 在马萨诸塞州的南安普敦野生动物管理区, 道恩经常去哪里训练她的狗.



对下一期的SAQ有什么要分享的吗? Update your information, 提交课堂笔记, report an alum death, and more. 我们很高兴收到你的来信!



澳门葡京博彩软件校友季刊 最近修改了它的讣告政策. 从2024年夏天开始, the magazine will continue publishing a comprehensive “In Memoriam” listing of deceased alums but will no longer print 100-word obituaries. 这里讨论了此更改的原因.

Q: Will the names of deceased alums still be listed in the magazine?
A: 是的. 的 “In Memoriam” listing of deceased alums and faculty members will continue to appear in each issue 的 magazine. 列表中查看该列表的最新示例 杂志的网络版. 还有 遗产的一部分.com specifically dedicated to obituaries of deceased Smith alums and other members 的 Smith community, populated with 不ices published by a host of major newspapers. 

Q: What’s the reasoning behind eliminating 100-word obituaries?
A: 多年来, 许多读者, 包括已故校友的家人, have expressed concerns about the fairness 的 magazine’s obituary policy. 的y wondered why some alums are memorialized with 100-word obituaries while others are 不. Magazine staff did 不 write these obituaries but instead published submissions from family members and friends of deceased alums. Recent data shows that only 20% of deceased alums—one in five—received an obituary in the magazine. 此外, individuals were often frustrated by the magazine’s 100-word limit as well as the often long delay in printing obituaries because of our quarterly production schedule. We believe that running the “In Memoriam” list is the most appropriate and equitable way to recognize our deceased alums.

A: With the Summer 2024 issue, the magazine will debut a top-to-bottom redesign. It represents the first time the magazine has been redesigned in decades. Ceasing the publication of 100-word obituaries has been a topic of discussion for some time, but the decision to do so in tandem with the magazine’s redesign felt most appropriate. Celebrating the lives and accomplishments of our alums will continue to be the heart 的 magazine’s mission.

A: 是的. 的 澳门葡京博彩软件校友关系办公室 accepts and fact-checks death 不ices from family members and friends of deceased alums. 要报告死亡请使用 我们的网页表单 或者直接给记录部发邮件 smithierecords@wolaipei.com

A: 欢迎校友们参加 提交课堂笔记 with a short reflection or memory of a deceased classmate or family member for possible inclusion in the magazine. (请注意,完整的讣告将  发表在课堂笔记部分.) We encourage class officers to publish classmates’ obituaries on Smith-hosted网站. 校友们可以在网上找到澳门葡京博彩软件的讣告 澳门葡京博彩软件社区页面的遗产.com. Please be assured that the decision to run only the “In Memoriam” listing in the magazine was made after much thoughtful reflection and in the best interest of our readers.


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看看 以前的一些文章澳门葡京博彩软件校友季刊 to see how members 的 Smith community have been working to push the world forward.