
距离无关紧要. 的 Office of 国际校友关系 和 发展 exists to help build 和 nurture relations with alums living outside of the United States. Smith is a global institution 和 无论你住在哪里, you can enjoy alum benefits 和 access to our powerful network, 在学院做志愿者, 加入(或开始)!参加你所在地区的俱乐部,倾听(或给予)!) webinars 和 find out what your friends 和 classmates are up to—和 so much more. Our international alums also share a common commitment to give to Smith in order to help the college flourish. 感谢您的支持, 和 we’ve made the giving process seamless 和 easy, 无论你住在哪里.

澳门葡京博彩软件全球联系 is a 脸谱网 page celebrating all things global at Smith. 关注我们 to connect with the college 和 other alumnae around the world.


“成为‘澳门葡京博彩软件’意味着什么?“不是一件事, not easily summed up in a word or a phrase—but when you meet a Smithie, 你对“它”是什么有一种感觉. 是否在多伦多, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 香港, 伦敦, 孟买, 迪拜, 内罗毕, 巴黎或世界上任何其他地方, Smithies have a purposeful way of being that is immediately recognizable. With an expansive, interconnected global network like ours you will never be far from Smith. I invite you to get involved in the many opportunities that this diverse global network makes possible.”
雅基·德费利斯, Director of 国际校友关系 和 发展



加入一个俱乐部: Did you know there are Smith 俱乐部 all across the world, from Belgium to 迪拜, India to China? 无论你住在哪里,都要加入其中!

与同学联系:明矾目录 is your portal to find 和 keep in touch with classmates 和 friends.

志愿者: You can take your commitment to Smith to the next level by volunteering with the college. 探索我们的机会.

参加全球网络研讨会: Smith’s global alumni are invited to partner in the creation 和 presentation of webinars on a wide variety of topics of interest to the community. 联系雅基·德费利斯 jdefelice@wolaipei.com.

保持更新: 与世界各地的澳门葡京博彩软件联系 澳门葡京博彩软件全球联系脸谱网页面.

雅基·德费利斯和Anne Hornung-Soukup 1974, 澳门葡京博彩软件家族的第三代(中), 以及1993年在日内瓦的Hiroko Tsuboi-Friedman(右).


Smith alums 和 students gathered in six European cities for regional reunions. 雅基·德费利斯 recounts the joy 和 power of Smith’s global community as she travels to Aalborg, 巴黎, 日内瓦, 柏林, 伦敦, 和都柏林.




莎拉·贝拉01届, 法德人权奖获得者, addressed human rights violations at the 2019 Harm Reduction International Conference.


Think back to your time at Smith: Whether you came to Smith from far or near, when you arrived on campus you were immediately part of a global community full of possibility—the possibility of finding 和 using your voice 和 of mapping your own way in the world. 的 power of a Smith education is that it gives you countless options. Now you have the opportunity to support other students as they arrive at Smith ready to start a similar journey.

捐赠过程简单直接. You can use a debit or credit card in any major currency to give to Smith via our 安全捐赠页面. Donors outside the United States can also make gifts 有来自U的支票.S. 银行账户或电汇. For detailed information regarding making a gift, please contact Director of 国际校友关系 和 发展, 雅基·德费利斯在 jdefelice@wolaipei.com.

Financial aid has the power to change the trajectory of someone’s life 和 opens up a world of possibilities. 学生 和 alums who have received scholarship support regularly share how much the aid has impacted their lives, 给他们介绍新的体验, shifting their perspectives 和 allowing them to pursue their ambitions.  以下是其中一些故事:

阅读并观看关于Eleni Partakki ' 22的视频

阅读并观看关于Belise Bwiza ' 20的视频

著名的厨师, 普利策奖得主, 政治专栏作家, 环境研究, 电影导演, 风险投资家, 物理学家, 诗人, 剧作家, CEOs—alums who have had the possibility of a Smith education apply their learning throughout their lives in ways that forever change the course of history.

茱莉亚的孩子, Gloria Steinem 和 Sylvia Plath are among Smith’s most famous graduates, but there are many other Smith alums who impact the world for the better thanks to the influence of their Smith experience. 阅读更多关于他们的信息.

In addition to seeking endowed 和 current use donations for 奖学金, 新尼尔森图书馆, 创意与表演艺术中心赋予教授,年度支援 澳门葡京博彩软件基金 对大学至关重要吗.

Small gifts, at regular intervals from many people, make a big difference. 通过成为澳门葡京博彩软件社区的一员, we increase the possibility of transforming lives 和 transforming the world—和 the impact is tremendous. 你是澳门葡京博彩软件力量的源泉. 请尽你所能慷慨解囊.









Hawa Tarawally AC

Hawa Tarawally talks about the spark that Smith has ignited within her, 以及她为反对不公而大声疾呼的追求.


Watch Andie 更多的cut’s “My Global Story” video about holding onto her Romanian roots while she has new experiences at Smith.


Yutong Zhang reflects on discovering her definition of community 和 learning to take initiative in her “My Global Story” video.


Many employers sponsor matching gift programs 和 will match charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please enter your employer's name below or check with your human resources department. Some large employers provide very generous matches.


If your company matches, you may be able to access the forms directly through the search. Follow the procedure described below; if needed, our staff will be happy to assist. 的 impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees 和/or spouses.


匹配的礼物志愿者格兰特 提供的资料

联络国际校友关系部 & 发展

北安普顿,MA 01063

Director of 国际校友关系 和 发展