

每学期, the Sherrerd Center sponsors a variety of 教学界 in which faculty and teaching staff come together to discuss a teaching topic of shared interest. 在过去的几年里,这些被证明特别有用, and we encourage faculty and staff members to consider leading or participating in a Teaching Circle this semester. The Sherrerd Center arranges for 教学界 to meet on some specific Fridays from 12:15 until 1:15 p.我中午有午餐, 因此,请在提供的表格上回复(当张贴时), 因为这将有助于提供更准确的午餐和座位计数.


  • 9月27日
  • 10月11日
  • 11月1日
  • 11月22日

大多数小组将于下午12:15-1:15在校园中心集合.m. 午餐从中午开始供应.


The Human Rights Initiative's Teaching Circle is designed as an informal space for those who are engaged in human rights education inside and/or outside the classroom, 有兴趣了解人权教育领域, and/or wish to benefit from ongoing peer conversations about experiences integrating a human rights lens into their teaching. 如果资金和时间允许,我们将邀请一位演讲嘉宾. Our hope is to build on both our year-long Kahn Project (2023-2024) and inaugural summer Curricular Enhancement Grant Program (2024) to establish a human rights education “community of practice” at Smith. 欢迎所有人.



与Ilona Sotnikova (rees)和Maureen DeNino (FRN)合作
This teaching circle provides an informal space for language educators and faculty across disciplines to discuss ways to collaborate and connect world languages 与 other majors and areas of student interest and promote languages at Smith. 鼓励所有门徒的教员参加!



与 Mona Kulp (CHM), Reid Berone-Johnson (LSS), Christiane Métral (FRN), and Yalin Chen (CHI)
The NTT教师教学圈 will offer an informal space for NTT faculty across disciplines at Smith to make connections, 建立社区,分享有用的资源. 另外, we hope to build consensus and serve as an advocacy group for NTT faculty as a whole at Smith. We hope this will provide a space for new and veteran NTT faculty to connect.



杰西卡·巴卡尔(导演. 《反思性实践》)和凯特·麦库恩(卡特·麦库恩主任).(斯皮内利中心)
Inviting students to "describe your process" can generate a chorus of groans, but reflective practices don't have to be arduous or soul-depleting. 在这个教学圈, we will facilitate a sharing of interesting alternatives and best practices for reflection across all divisions. 我们将讨论反思的目标, including learning transfer -- something which can be challenging for students but which is a core value of a liberal arts education. We will also look at evaluating and grading reflections: What makes a good one? 很棒的一个? 当反射没有达到目标时该怎么办? Participants in this circle will receive a copy of the new book Experiments in Reflection by Leticia Britos Cavagnaro, 斯坦福大学.2023年出版的学校指南.



卡洛琳·梅勒妮(ANT, shepherd导演.)

加入我们的非正式谈话来讨论 筛分析 and its benefits and challenges and to explore learning objectives and giving feedback in your courses, 以及如何将小的元素融入 筛分析 在你的课堂上. Guests in this circle may include some experienced “ungraders” and others who use other grading methods.




This group will discuss approaches for Universal Design for 学习 (UDL) in higher education. UDL is a framework to create learning environments and activities that are accessible to all learners, 包括残疾学生, 通过多种参与方式, 表示, 动作和表情. 这个圆圈将从 Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for 学习 in Higher Education, and discuss the applications of this framework to our teaching practice.


Going Public: Creating, Implementing and Curating Public Writing Assignments Teaching Circle

胡里奥·阿尔维斯(导演.(雅各布森中心)和Abril Navarro(轻轨)

在这个教学圈, 参与者讨论他们的公共写作任务, 作业管理, 教学经历. 具体的讨论主题由参与者生成, but the facilitators imagine that we will discuss questions like the following: What makes for a good public writing assignment? What are the pedagogical gains and challenges of asking students to write for a public audience? 你是如何在网上策划作品的? What kind of support is available to help you write the assignments and curate the student work? The Circle is open to all, including experienced instructors, novices, and the curious.




  • 大问题圈 Patty DiBartolo
  • 让我们来谈谈! 还有伊莉斯·高恩,杰西卡·瑞恩和阿布里尔·纳瓦罗
  • NTT教师圈 与米兰达·麦卡维尔(雅各布森中心)
  • NTT教师教学圈 与 Mona Kulp (CHM), Reid Berone-Johnson (LSS), and Atsuko Takahashi (JPN)
  • 教学语言圈 与Ilona Sotnikova (rees)和Maureen DeNino (FRN)合作
  • 不分级教学圈 与Magdalena Zapędowska(雅各布森中心) 


  • 课程中的代数技能
  • 大问题圈 
  • 让我们来谈谈! 
    与 the OER Team: Kevin Shea, Elise Gowen, Jessica Ryan, Abril Navarro
  • NTT教师圈
    与 Mona Kulp (CHM), Reid Berone-Johnson (LSS), Christiane Métral (FRN), and Yalin Chen (CHI)
  • 教学语言圈
    与Ilona Sotnikova (rees)和Maureen DeNino (FRN)合作
  • Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: A Practice for Equity, Inclusion, and Resilience


  • 将残疾包容组件整合到STEM中, 社会科学, 人文学科教学圈 与曹诗雅(SDS)和Caroline Melly (ANT)合作
  • 回收评分:修复我们工作中最糟糕的部分 Jennifer Beichman (MTH)和Marney Pratt (BIO) 
  • ChatGTP时代的教学 与米兰达·麦卡维尔(雅各布森中心)
  • NTT教师教学圈 与 Mona Kulp (CHM), Joyce Palmer-Fortune (PHY), Christiane Métral (FRN), and Yalin Chen (CHI)
  • 教学语言圈 与Ilona Sotnikova (rees)和Maureen DeNino (FRN)合作
  • 创伤知情教学法:通往包容和复原的道路 凯利·沃格尔(综合研究)
  • 创意写作沙龙/圈与 吉莉安·肯德尔
  • 人文社会科学(HSS实验室)教学圈与 约书亚·比尔克


  • 反种族主义学习社区(ALC)教学圈 与张国荣(OEI)及张国荣(PDOF)合作
  • 关于建议教学圈的对话 与Fraser stabes(综合学习副院长), Adela Penagos (Associate Dean of the College for Advising and Mentoring), 和Sarah Moore(文科指导学院主任)
  • 隐喻在教学中的探索  
    与Nick Howe(计算机科学)合作
  • 教学语言圈 与Ilona Sotnikova (rees), Maureen DeNino (FRN)合作
  • 交易教学技巧 与米兰达·麦卡维尔(雅各布森中心)
  • 弹性课堂的创伤知情教学法 凯利·沃格尔(综合研究讲师)
  • 不分级教学圈 与Magdalena Zapędowska(雅各布森中心)
  • 教师和教职员的创意写作圈 与吉莉安·肯德尔(英文)
  • NTT教师教学圈 与 Mona Kulp (CHM), Joyce Palmer-Fortune (PHY), Christiane Métral (FRN), and Yalin Chen (CHI


  • Special Event: Sherrerd Center Teaching Circle on Teaching in this MomentSara Pruss和Patty DiBartolo 
  • 探索其他分级方法 Marney Pratt (BIO)和Magda Zapędowska (Jacobson中心)
  • 流感大流行中学生的执行功能 凯利·沃格尔, Lecturer in Integrative Studies and former 学习 Specialist for the Jacobson Center
  • 反种族主义学习社区(ALC)教学圈 与张国荣(OEI)及张国荣(PDOF)合作
  • 小教学圈 卡罗琳·梅勒妮 (Sherrerd teaching mentor) and Miranda McCarvel (Jacobson Center)
  • 教学语言圈 与Ilona Sotnikova (rees), Maureen DeNino (FRN)合作
  • 人文社科实验室教学圈 与Josh Birk (MED/HST), Christine Reynolds (Kahn研究所)合作
  • 科学伦理圈 贝琪·贾米森(CHM)
  • 教师和教职员的创意写作圈 与吉莉安·肯德尔


  • Teaching Ideas for Team-based or Heavy-project-based Applied 课程 (in person) 与Susannah Howe (EGR), Megan Lyster (Wurtele中心)
  • 教学语言圈(当面) 与Ilona Sotnikova (rees), Maureen DeNino (FRN)合作
  • 新常态? Teaching in 2021年秋季 与 a particular focus on equitable and inclusive pedagogies (in person) 与帕蒂·迪巴托洛(PSY)
  • 新常态? Teaching in 2021年秋季 与 a particular focus on disabilities and learning differences (over Zoom) 卡罗琳·梅勒妮(ANT)
  • 科学伦理圈(亲自) 贝琪·贾米森(CHM)
  • 教师-and-工作人员-Who-Write 创意写作沙龙 Teaching Circle (in person) 与吉莉安·肯德尔(英文)
  • 人文社科实验室教学圈(当面) 与Josh Birk (MED/HST)合作


  • 创意写作沙龙 与吉莉安·肯德尔
  • 本周教学 艾丽西娅·格拉布和米兰达·麦卡维尔
  • 实验室指导员圈 马尼·普拉特
  • Talking Through Remote Teaching: Creating 社区, Accountability, Flexibility 卡罗琳·梅勒妮
  • 语言教学圈 伊洛娜·索特尼科娃
  • 非洲与非洲研究课程教学圈 和达芙妮·拉莫特
  • 临时教师教学圈 还有博纳·康和凯特琳·谢泼德


  • Talking Through Remote Teaching: Creating 社区, Accountability, Flexibility 与教学导师利兹·普赖尔(HST)和卡罗琳·梅利(ANT)
  • 临时教师教学圈 与康宝娜(EDC)和凯特琳·谢泼德(PSY)合作
  • 一年级研讨会教师教学圈 爱丽丝·赫斯特
  • 实验指导员教学圈 与Marney Pratt (BIO)合作
  • 谈j学期教学 Sara Pruss (GEO), Liz Pryor (HST)和Caroline Melly (ANT)


Zoom Weekly 教学界 Beginning on Friday, April 3–Friday, April 24 via Zoom

  • Zoom教学法 Liz Pryor(历史)
  • 社会建构主义时刻 与Al Rudnitsky(教育和儿童研究)合作
  • 考虑到学生在“远程”教室的幸福感 Sara Pruss(地球科学)
  • 危机中的教学 卡罗琳·梅利(人类学)
  • 在线课堂中的关键对话 与Peggy O 'Neill(社会工作学院)合作
  • 随队远程教学 与 Tian An Wong (Math and Statistics) and Bona Kang (Education and Child Study)